Project Nanhi Kali in UK

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  • Project Nanhi Kali in UK

Set up in 2013, the Mahindra Foundation UK is a registered charity in England and Wales (registered charity number 1153797) and a company limited by guarantee (registered company number 8512238). Its registered office is located at MHA MacIntyre Hudson, 6th Floor, 2 London Wall Place, London EC2Y 5AU.

The objective of The Mahindra Foundation UK is:
“The advancement of education, in particular, but without the limitation of the education of girls in India.”

The Mahindra Foundation UK provides a platform to UK residents to support the education of underprivileged girls in India through Project Nanhi Kali. Project Nanhi Kali is jointly managed by the K.C. Mahindra Education Trust and Naandi Foundation.

'Nanhi Kali' or 'a little bud' aims to provide educational support to underprivileged girls.

Click here for more information on Project Nanhi Kali

Annual Cost of sponsoring a Nanhi Kali
Currency Annual Sponsorship Cost
GBP £66
Gift Aid

If you are a UK taxpayer and donate to the Mahindra Foundation UK using Gift Aid, the value of your gift can be increased by 25% by the Mahindra Foundation UK reclaiming tax you have paid from the UK Treasury. This means that, for every £1 you donate, £1.25 can be passed on to Project Nanhi Kali at no extra cost to you.

Our registered address is:
The Mahindra Foundation UK,
MHA MacIntyre Hudson,
6th Floor,
2 London Wall Place

For more information you can write to [email protected]

The affairs of The Mahindra Foundation UK are governed by the Board of Directors. The Directors are as follows:

  • Anand Mahindra
  • Bharat Doshi
  • Aalika Mahindra
  • Zhooben Bhiwandiwala
  • Sheetal Mehta